Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Urothelial Tumors

Design Schedule
Week 1
Date: September 3, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: TBD
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week we finalized our senior design team and decided on the subject of the project as well. We will be working with Mike Sabo and his team at Pulse Therapeutics to explore other applications of their magnetic field therapy, specifically drug delivery and enhanced imaging in low flow velocity locations in the body.
Work planned for next week: We plan to develop our project scope this week which will allow our group to narrow our focus on the applications of this magnetic field therapy towards tumor treatment; we will be exploring the relative impact of focusing on the treatment and imaging of ureothelial tumors rather than other low flow locations prone to cancer. We also plan to establish a timeline to illustrate our project goals and deadlines. Finally, we would like to begin our research to gather relevant background information including information regarding any related patents or useful technologies.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We would like to meet Mr. Sabo and his team to get a better understanding of the magnetic field therapy they have developed and how our senior design project will best suit Pulse Therapeutics' needs.
Week 2
Date: September 7, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: 36
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week we collaborated with Mr. Sabo to determine our project objective, milestones, deliverables, and limitations. We decided to focus our project on chemotherapeutic treatment for ureothelial tumors- we narrowed this scope from using the therapy for low flow velocity areas of the body. We also worked together to compose our formal project scope including the timeline we will use as a guide to accomplish our goals. Furthermore, we began our research on current patents with similar therapeutic technology as well as identifying current principal investigators conducting research on ureothelial tumor treatment. Finally, we signed our Non-Disclosure Agreements required for partnership with Pulse Therapeutics.
Work planned for next week: We would like to continue our research on relevant background information including information regarding any related patents or useful technologies. We will use this information to begin and develop our written and oral preliminary progress reports. We would also like to establish a partnership with a principal investigator to consult on the clinical aspects of the project. Finally, we plan to meet with Mr. Sabo and the Pulse Therapeutics teams to get a better understanding of their magnetic field therapy.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We would like to meet Mr. Sabo and his team to get a better understanding of the magnetic field therapy they have developed. Mr. Sabo has been a tremendous support in helping our group get started.
Week 3
Date: September 15, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: 36
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week we met with with Mr. Sabo to get firsthand knowledge of the project itself and a better understanding of the questions that were raised in our initial project scope. We saw the work previously done at Pulse Therapeutics and what the company would like to see our project develop into. This helped us more concretely identify our project objective, milestones, deliverables, and limitations. We used this information to redefine our project scope. In addition, we met about our preliminary paper and divided up the work. Nicole will be focusing on the Project scope and specific design requirements. Meghan will be concerned with completing the patent and literature searches. The rest of the background, need for project and design schedule/requirements will be mainly completed by myself (Amanda).
Work planned for next week: We will continue to research our separate areas in preparation for the preliminary paper. We have a meeting planned on Wednesday for us to combine our own work into one cohesive paper, with further editing together as a group until the paper is turned in on Friday. Furthermore, preparation for the first oral report will begin after the paper is completed.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We would like to gain a better understanding of what is expected from the preliminary paper in terms of content and specificity from either our TA or Professor Yin. Potentially the meeting with our TA on Wednesday will help us in preparation for handing in the first paper. The client, Mr. Sabo, has additionally informed us that he will be available for any questions should they arise during our work on this paper.
Week 4
Date: September 22, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: 36
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week we spent time finishing up our preliminary report that was due on Friday. Research was done on existing solutions to the drug delivery problem with chemotherapy, as well as on the basic problems underlying ureothelial cancer treatment. Next, we helped Meghan prepare for her presentation, which is on Wednesday, using the information we researched for the preliminary paper.
Work planned for next week: We will meet to prepare for the first oral presentation. As well as starting work on the website, to get it up and running soon.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We would like to start looking into brainstorming solutions for our project, which will hopefully include time spent at Pulse Therapeutics to experiment with their existing technologies and their design lab.
Week 5
Date: September 29, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: 36
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week Meghan presented our preliminary report to our section of the class. After the presentation, we contacted several physicians in the midst of clinical trials at Washington University Medical School for input regarding the clinical usefulness and inefficiencies of our design ideas. We created a presentation that will be used to present our project scope to these physicians. Also, we established a weekly meeting time (Wednesdays at 6:00 pm) where we will brainstorm design ideas for the next phase of our project.
Work planned for next week: We would like to meet with the clinicians we have contacted and finalize a partnership with one of them to consult on the clinical aspects of the project. We also plan to continue brainstorming and researching the viability of our design solutions.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We would like to see our graded preliminaryreport to better understand anything we didn't account for in our project scope.
Week 6
Date: October 6, 2014
Project Name: Novel Chemotherapy Delivery Method for Ureothelial Tumors
Group Number: 36
Group Members: Nicole Ensz, Amanda Jeske, and Meghan Fox
Current status of project: This week we received responses from two physicians (an oncologist and a urologist) at the Medical School willing to meet and consult with us on our project. This will help us get a clinical perspective and allow for brainstorming on how we can make the system clinician and patient friendly. We also continued to brainstorm potential design solutions for our project scope.
Work planned for next week: We would like to meet with the clinicians we have contacted and finalize a partnership with one of them to consult on the clinical aspects of the project. We have arranged meetings for this coming week. This week, we plan to start our second paper and presentation, so we plan to analyze each of our ideas to isolate their pros and cons.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: We were a little confused after receiving our papers back. Most of the comments stated that we had to show that the system can move particles against fluid pressure and peristaltic action or that we didn't account for patient comfort/mobility. We would consider these to be either design solutions or proof of concept-which, as we understood, are meant to be shown later in this process. Are the comments meant to guide us for the next two stages, or did you think they should have been accounted for in our project scope?